Sep 02

Common Placement of Web Objects

Christina’s comments on the netflix redesign reminded me that I meant to collect my resources that discuss common placement of web interface objects. As I was pulling together those URL’s I noticed that Heidi Adkisson has started a web site dedicated to her research on the subject. Nice!


Basically I think you should know where most designers put a given element, examine why they usually put it there (might be due to outdated browser capabilities), then put it where you think it would most benefit your users given a valid justification (which could be that they expect it to be in that spot). Tangentially related, on the whole, always know what the rules are then decide when best to break them — but do know the rules first. I suppose that might have wider application than just interface design.

Comments & TrackBacks

8:43 PM on Sep 2, 2003

Paragraph 7, Line 6. — Tanya: ... always know what the rules are then decide when best to break them -- but do know the More »

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