Mar 06

IA Summit 2004 Building Metadata-Based Navigation Using Semantic Web Standards

Bradley P. Allen, Siderean Software, and Joseph T. Tennis, University of Washington Information School.
Program Description

These are my notes from their presentation on Feb. 29.

Designed on-line proceedings for the 2003 Dublin Core Conference. A notion from the digital library community that I haven’t heard about here is an application profile. How do you pull that all together into an abstract description?

a facet to me is a property and the values form a near orthogonal set of controlled vocabs. other metadata that isn’t nav can serve as landmarks and cues

mentioned Ranganathan, Marcia Bates, Marti Hearst

web rdf has a number of instantiations and the one I’ll be showing is in XML. Used TIF (replaced by SKOS?) and FOAF

Controlled vocabulary used - Joe: Took literary warrant, expert warrant, user warrant for seed vocabulary, primarily literary warrant

XML Retrieval By Reformulation (XRBR). Issues - immature standards


Audience member: use RDF as an output for a presentation layer?
Allen: Yes. XML lets you move them into RDF

Audience member: why'd you choose TIF?
Allen: Looking for something RDF and TIF was one of them. W3C sponsored. How do you accommodate the lexically based standard like the Z39.19 standard? TIF guys are dealing with that. Standards used by the Harmony folks and the museum folks.

Audience member: reconciling differing classification scheme?
Allen: RDF is all about relating things as opposed to XML which is all about describing things so people can come in later and layer RDF on top of it.

Audience member:How do you store RDF as a tuple?
(I didn't hear the answer because my brain just kept repeating rather loudly, "tuple?" "tuple?" "tuple?" Here's a definition.)

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